Natural Options for Herpes in Pregnancy

If a pregnant woman (or anyone) were to drink lemon balm herb tea, sometimes called melissa (the Latin name is Melissa officinalis), daily it will help to alleviate the recurrences of herpes outbreaks and relieve the current blistering. One can also take some of the warm tea and dab or splash it on locally.  This herb is an uplifting nervine and anti-viral that has an affinity for the lower back and spine (the herpes virus rests dormant in the lower spine until stress (of some sort) and compromised immunity.) It is a very strengthening and stabilizing herb on a nerve/emotion level. Lemon balm helps the body to suppress/combat the herpes viruses (all of them.)  

In pregnancy, one can mix lemon balm with some nettles, partridge berry, oats, alfalfa, codonopsis, and - if the woman is in her third trimester - red raspberry leaf. That blend will strengthen a woman's uterus and nervous system; provide much nutrients to Mom thus Baby; and relax Mom while having the specific, added effect of targeting that particular virus in the body.  This would be a great blend for any woman and as well as a woman trying to get pregnant (I'd include the red raspberry.)  Three cups a day will do a body good!!

Lysine (an amino acid) is a great option for people, however, I'm not sure about that in pregnancy.  I am also an Herbalist - not a Naturopath, whom would be better suited to answer questions regarding supplements.

**Another good, but uncomfortable tip I learned years ago: at the first hint of a sore or any sensation - itching, burning, etc. - put an ice cube to the spot and keep holding it on there for 10 minutes. Not cozy at all, but definitely effective.

Anything with arginine (another amino acid) is considered a trigger; this includes foods such as chocolate, coffee, peanut butter, and coconut.  Other triggers are "stress" and excessive sun. 

I would highly recommend a pregnant woman with frequent outbreaks talking about her fears; getting prenatal massage and/or doing other self-soothing exercises like yoga or meditation; as well as some other energy healing modality to help clear emotional blockages such as Reiki.
